Dag 1533


“To what shall we liken the kingdom of God?”

 (Mark 4:30, DRB)

Is daar ‘n verskil tussen die begrip ‘die koninkryk van God’, en die begrip ‘die koninkryk van die hemele’?

In die vorige Manna is verwys na Ian Clayon wat as mistisis die onderskeid tref tussen dié twee begrippe, in reliëf met die begrip: ‘die koninkryk van die aarde’, en sy ganse teologie daarop bou: “Kingdom of the earth: You can engage the atmosphere of the realm of God by crossing the boundary line to His realm. Kingdom of God: It lives and exists inside of you. It flows out of you like river and living power to manifest the domain of that which sits inside of you. To understand the source of this kingdom, you have to understand where the river comes from. We’ve been taught that the spirit man exists in our belly. The human body is formed inside the womb – first, the head and backbone and skull and then all the internal organs which is surrounded by a membrane that no blood can get to. Inside a membrane in your head is where the spirit man sits. The spirit man is sitting on this ‘seat.’ … This kingdom that is within me is very important for us to engage. It mandates and transfers me into the kingdom of heaven without any other boundaries. It transitions me into that realm when I begin to engage it. … Speaking in tongues does this … it fills the atmosphere. It contains the atmosphere of the realm around you and can escort you into the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven … Kingdom of Heaven that is on the outside of you. It comes upon you – it’s not because you’re so good or righteous (it’s useless anyway). It produces holiness, not righteousness … There’s a realm on the outside of us that will come down over the top of us … When the Kingdom of God is manifesting around your life, You’ve built a house that can escort you into the kingdom of heaven … We need to engage heaven. If my Father is in heaven, I need to open up a window into heaven … Our experience with God starts up there and not down here.” [Transkripsie – derhalwe is daar grammatikafoute; http://www.nowinterpretthis.com/threads/ian-clayton-notes.1182/.]

Op sy webwerf http://sonofthunder.org/about/about.html word die volgende voorgehou: “Ian brings to reality the accessibility of the realms of Heaven, enabling the release of the potential within each person as a Son of God. Assisting many to grasp, to be empowered and unlock the potential of the Kingdom of God within them. This in turn releases the ability to be able to see and participate in the activities of the Kingdom of Heaven. His desire is to equip believers with the reality of what it means to ‘be in the spirit’ and in the realms of God, enabling them to actively participate with God and be in His world and building with Him and not just doing things for Him.”

Die gevaar van die verkeerde fondasie wys duidelik uit hierdie foutiewe gedagtegang. Clayton het nodig om die onderskeid te tref, want hy wil graag deur geestelike ervarings van die een koninkryk na die ander transporteer. Hy verduidelik self hoe ‘n mens fisies te werk moet gaan, ‘n tree vorentoe, spesifieke gebede, ‘n tree terug, “a step backwards into the atmosphere of the earth”. Hierdie vleeslike verstaan en aksies sal in die volgende Manna Skriftuurlik getoets word.

  • Sela: Bid oor hierdie “ander evangelie” (Gal. 1:6).
  • Lees: 1-4
  • Memoriseer: 3:1-2
  • Delf dieper: Lees Miles Munroe se boek: Rediscovering the Kingdom