“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to you.”
(Matt 6:33, NKJV)
We are all well acquainted with these words, and love quoting them, accentuating the latter part of this profound statement – “and all these things shall be added to you.” When it comes to Scripture we often tend to use it on our terms. We read seek first the kingdom of God merely to mean live the Christian life, whatever such an obscure term may imply. It is also when one starts asking believers their definition of righteousness that you realise that most people have no idea what God’s perspective on righteousness is.
On account of the problematic nature of a term such as “kingdom of God”, which we’ve discussed a little, we miss that God here establishes a PRIMARY requirement for a relationship with Him – one needs to seek the kingdom of God, AND “His righteousness”. Matthew Henry considers this “the sum and substance of our whole duty”.
To constantly seek something does not mean that your search is ever completely fulfilled. This goes not only for the kingdom of God, but also for the righteousness of God.
Korah and his followers addressed their third question to Moses from quite a dizzy height. They asked “Why do you set yourself above the LORD’s community?” (Num 16:3, GNB), but the burning question Korah was actually worrying about was: Why do you regard yourself as ‘higher’ than I? Or rather – I consider myself as more able within our present disagreement, and thus have disdain for you.
Please understand that Korah’s question certainly has merit, but it is also very telling of a deeper attitude of heart, one of self-righteousness.
If we had to translate the Scripture from Matt 6:33 quoted above into negative terms, it might have read as follows – If within your spiritual life you seek your own interests, and are convinced of your own righteousness, you will lose all spiritual things, even your salvation.
In the previous teaching we quoted the passage from Phil 2:3 which stated that you should not consider yourself as better as or higher than anyone else. This notion of hierarchy is our inheritance from Satan. Remember what Lucifer, IN HIS HEART, said in Isa 14:13-14 – “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” Pride, haughtiness and spiritual blindness concerning the state you find yourself in, are often the consequences of self-righteousness.
- Sela: Ask the Holy Spirit to start stripping you of all self-righteousness.
- Read: 2 Kings 19; Jer 20; 2 Cor 3
- Memorise: 2 Cor 3:15-16 (!)