Day 61

“I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it…” (1 John 2:21, NKJ)

           The foundational instruction regarding the Electronic Manna is to equip and prepare the Bride of Christ (Luke 1:17) to function in the third day (Hos 6:2) as sons of God (Rom 8:19) with the specific purpose of becoming frontrunners to the second coming of Christ, as well as to be able to reign with Him as priests and kings in the thousand year reign of peace (Rev 5:10). However, over years of ministry I have clearly experienced that most believers cannot fulfil this mandate, because they are not able to become the “building of God” (1 Cor 3:9) that He has planned for them to be. Satan often sends huge storms to destroy this house of God that has been built in the Spirit (Luke 6:49).

The reason for this is that the foundation of most believers’ spiritual house is faulty. The root cause of this is that we don’t understand what the bigger picture of God’s agenda is all about, along with that we call Him “Lord, Lord”, and do not do the things which He says (Luke 6:46). This is why, as Ps 11:3 states: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The implication is: you can do nothing. We become like those Paul spoke about, who are “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim 3:7).

Eph 2:20 shows that the cornerstone of the building which God builds is Jesus Christ. This occurred with your conversion and rebirth. After this “wise master builders” (1 Cor 3:10) need to lay the foundation. Paul says that this is the task of the “apostles and prophets” – interestingly enough not the teachers! Teachers often focus only on correctly dividing the Word (2 Tim 2:15), that which is explained in 2 Tim 3:16. It fulfils a very important function. But, apostles and prophets have insight into the bigger picture, and thus the foundations of this unique building of God are laid with revelation knowledge.

The biggest part of this process is firstly to “root out and pull down” and then only to “build and to plant” (Jer 1:10). The false walls need to be broken down so that the foundation can be uncovered (Ez 13:14). The Bride of Christ, the desired city of the Son of man, our Bridegroom, clearly has solid foundations (Heb 11:10; Rev 21:14 & 19). Thus, even though some of the teachings are familiar to you: “I haven’t been writing this to tell you something you don’t know, but to confirm the truth you do know,” (1 John 2:21, MSG), all for foundational purposes!

  • Sela:  Pray through 1 Cor 3:10-15 in the light of the above teaching.  
  • Read: Ex 11; Ps 61; Rom 3
  • Memorise: Rom 3:23 & 28