There are total diverse views regarding divorce and remarriage in Christian circles. However, two important factors should be taken into consideration. Firstly, marriage is often founded on a weakened Godly basis, and is therefore unable to withstand the pressures of modern day society, and subsequently gives way to the demands thereof. Secondly, New Testament guidelines should never become laws, but at most, should serve as a moral compass to a more excellent way – “not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”(2 Cor. 3:6). In this respect, even 1 Cor. 7:11 serves as a guideline, and not as a law. God, for example gave a letter of divorce to Israel (Jer. 3:8)! As a result of the fallen world in which we function and resultant wrong choices we make, divorce is sometimes the inevitable route to follow, although God did not institutionalise it (Matt. 19:7-8). The story in Ezra 10 regarding the ungodly women to whom the Israelites wrongly entered into marriage and from whom they had to get divorced, is a good example that divorce and remarriage could well be sanctioned by God. BUT this is spirit-lead by the Spirit of God through a deep awareness of your personal covenant relationship with Him, and not through any generic law regarding divorce and remarriage. “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Matt. 19:6), is often held up as an example in this regard, but then, it has to be taken into consideration that God indeed has the right to separation, but also simultaneously – you have to ascertain that God most certainly joined together the two people concerned; a marriage contract does not necessarily involved Godly consent.
Remarriage is encouraged in the case of widows (Rom. 7: 3, I Cor. 7: 8-9 & 39 and 1 Tim. 5:14). The broad principle for both believers who encounter marriage problems, remains: do not get divorced (unfaithfulness is the only true reason for divorce). And if the one party wants to sue the other for divorce at all cost, he/she should in the first place not remarry again, because it will limit all possibilities for reconciliation between the two parties. The categorical statement made in Mal. 2:16 that God hates divorce, results from the emotional affliction caused to people, that as a result thereof they will be clothed with a mantle of emotional trauma (violence). God is and remains the God of the second chance.
Dr. Tom Gouws